Back in the early 1980’s, a group of caving instructors from the scout association and local members from the Cave Rescue Group, tossed around the idea of forming a Newcastle based caving club. A meeting was held in May 1984 to select a steering committee and to draw up the constitution and by-laws. The first club trip was to Timor Caves in July 1984. NHVSS became associate members of the ASF in 1984, and in January 1986 we became a corporate member of the ASF.
NHVSS is not just a recreational caving group. We’re also involved in other cave related areas such as conservation, photography, mapping and surveying, SRT work, and scientific studies. The odd bushwalk, canyon, kayak or ski trip is even thrown in for variety from time to time. Above all, we are a group who enjoy the escape into the world of the outdoors, and underground adventures. The Newcastle and Hunter Valley Speleological Society provides for anyone with an interest in caving. Trips vary in their level of difficulty, and there is plenty to interest both the beginner and experienced caver. Training days are held regularly for all members. Come and marvel at the wonders of Mother Nature with us and learn about the amazing cave formations that have taken thousands of years to form. So grab a helmet and light and come see what lies beneath the surface, in the darkness of the subterranean world. You’ ll have a lot of fun.
Meetings are held at Cardiff RSL, 45 Macquarie Rd, Cardiff on the last Thursday of every month (except December) at 7:00pm. Slides of recent trips are usually shown afterwards. Members often come early and enjoy a meal at the club before the meeting in the Eastern Tiger Restaurant.