
Membership includes subscription to the club magazine “Newcaves Chronicles”, use of club equipment and membership with the Australian Speleological Federation (ASF). Membership to the ASF entitles you to receive the Caves Australia magazine, and provides coverage for public liability insurance.

Annual Membership Fees- (updated June 2021)
Family Membership – $155.00
Single Parent Family Membership – $105.00
Retired Family Membership– $115.00
Single Membership – $105.00
Student/Pensioner Membership – $ 75.00
Introductory Membership (Single) – $ 45.00  (now annual)
Introductory Membership (Family) – Calculated pro-rata ($12.50 per month x months remaining til the end on the club’s membership year (which finishes 30th June).
Club Only Membership (Already an ASF Member) – $ 25.00
Occasional – $55 (retired adult, was an active caver but now only occasionally caves)
Social – $30 (attends trips and/or functions but doesn’t go underground)
Membership Application Form (PDF-71k)

Trip Fees-
Trip fees of $3 per person per day with a maximum of $10 charged per membership per
trip. Training days are free. Trip fees are used to cover usage and replacement of club equipment.

Membership Payment options-
Cheque  (Made out to “Newcastle & Hunter Valley Speleological Society”)
Direct Deposit (see below for details)
BSB: 637-000
Account Number: 781405523
Account Name: NHVSS
Please reference your payment with description “membership<your surname>”