Trip List

Note: Some MSS trips have limited numbers where priority is given to their members, please contact the trip leader to register your interest.


9th-10th 15th-16th November- Comboyne Caves (Note recent date change!)
Documentation/Surveying trip of two non-limestone fault caves that were located on a previous trip. Camping at the Comboyne Showground from Friday night to allow for an early start Saturday morning. Caver’s need to be experienced in vertical caving and have surveying experience. Contact: Garry K Smith <>

Sunday 1st December- NHVSS 40th Social Event
Ice Skating from 2:15pm at the Hunter Ice Skating Stadium (Warners Bay) and afterwards dinner at Cardiff Wests from 6:30pm. Contact: Melissa Hadley

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25th-27th January- Timor Caves Australia Day long weekend
Lake Cave exploration with divers and visiting other caves around the place. Surveying of BBQ Pitch Cave. Contact: Daniel Burt <>

1st/2nd February- Gloucester Caves Dive Trip
Survey trip to survey of the GL1 extension, involves a 7m roof sniff (not for the light hearted!). Camping at the Gloucester Holiday Park. Contact: Tam Durney

29th/30th March- Nundle
Gold panning! Basic Camping. Contact: Brian Reeves: 0402 099329 or and for the trip book Daniel Burt <>

12th/13th April- Timor Caves with SSS
Hosting our friends at the Sydney Speleological Society, photo-tagging and documentation. Visit into Glen Dhu Cave on the Saturday night. Staying at the hut for a small cost. Contact: Jodie Rutledge

18th- 21st April (Easter): Glenrock Caves TBC
You can expect small vertical caves mostly, but lots of opportunity to find new caves and we do find the occasional big one! Do some limestone mapping, fungi tests and check out the South East caves that haven’t been visited for a while. Basic bush camping, 1.5hrs north of Aberdeen. Contact: Brian Reeves: 0402 099329 or and for the trip book Daniel Burt <>