Comparing Calthemite to Speleothem Straw Stalactites (as published in ‘Cave and Karst Science’)
Category Archives: News Flash
New link added for the ASF CDG (Cave Diving Club)
4 new articles added by Garry K. Smith
Link to Timor Caving Video
Andrew (Fred) Nelson, who recently purchased a copy of the Timor book gave us permission to pop up his link to this cool video to our website… enjoy!
2 new articles added from Garry K Smith
An article from Garry K Smith added
In this article posted by Garry K Smith we are not inside a cave but rather in a concrete car park investigating Calthemite Straw Stalactites growing from concrete structures
New articles added from Garry K Smith
A diverse bunch of articles these ones!
Microbes in giant cave crystals, Stromatolites and Thrombolites, Blister treatment and Toilet Paper (yes really).
NHVSS is now on Wikipedia
NHVSS is now on Wikipedia. Follow this link to check it out – NHVSS Wikipedia
New article from Garry K Smith
A must read article from Garry K Smith on Calthemite straws in an urban car park!
This study was first presented at the 30th Biennial Conference of the Australian Speleological Federation Inc., 21 – 26 June 2015, Exmouth, Western Australia. Then published in ‘Cave and Karst Science’, Vol.43, No.1 (April 2016), P. 4-10. British Cave Research Association, ISSN 1356-191X. Please refer to ‘Cave and Karst Science’ when referencing this paper.
New Article and Links added
Check out the latest article by Garry K. Smith about a recent trip to Wendlestein Höhle – Germany’s highest altitude Limestone Cave on our Publications page.
Wendlestein Höhle – Germany’s highest altitude Limestone Cave
Also 2 new links have been added for a site call the Karst Information Portal that, among many other publications, contains a copy of NSS News publications from the first edition in 1941 through to 2010 (at this point in time).
Karst Information Portal – Main site
Karst Information Portal – Link to NSS News Archives